"I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do." Helen Keller

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Fran Richardson
Welcome to my blog!I'm a teacher in a beautiful, small, rural town. I moved here a few years ago, but I have taught over 20 years in this same small town that is now my home. My experience is in teaching second, third, and fourth grades with one year in sixth grade. I am always reading, learning, and reflecting on what goes on in my classroom. I love the work that I do with the parents, my fellow teachers, and most all-my students.I hope you will enjoy reading my blog.
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Monday, June 13, 2011

That’s Just GROSS!:P

An article in today's Aiken Standard caught my eye: MAD SCIENCE. Just those words make me think of my co-teacher Tami Garvin and her words" Let's just mix it up and see what happens."


Please don't panic- it was only old Alka Seltzer tablets and soda after we did the “ooh-aaah”  Mentos and soda experiment. The Alka Selzer just  kinda fizzled, but Tami had the right idea about kids and science.

Granted  the Mad Science mentioned in today’s paper is a business that performs science-based shows and even parties for kids,  but there’s plenty of Mad Science to go around:


Parents:There’s even an Kid’s Club at Mad Science!

But behind all the thrills of finding out  the science of why we belch, examining animal scat ( if you don’t know, just Google it), and mixing slime, the real reason we as parents and teachers need to check this out is here in this Time Magazine article found at the Mad Science website:

We need to get kids hooked on science. What do kids like? Anything that looks, tastes, smells, or feels GROSS. I can tell some of you have been around fourth graders some days after lunch because I sense your smiles  and giggles.

Right now Mad Science  also has an exhibit titled "GROSSOLOGY" at the State Museum in Columbia. The State Museum includes more activities that are gross but science standard-based.

All this grossness is based on  the GROSSOLOGY series by Sylvia Branzei and Jack Keely which is also a series on Discovery Kids:

But never fear- there are   many freebies out there so you too can be GROSS at home!



Sophie and Sadie are big fans of grossness that gets kids interested in science and  wave their paws in the air for this summer activity.
Disgustingly yours,



"I bear the flame that enlightens the world. I fire the imagination. I give might to dreams and wings to the aspirations of men."
- Marva Collins, from her poem, "I Am Excellence."

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